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Iron man DK - 680 - a vehicle driving da

Iron man DK - 680 - a vehicle driving da

Product Name:Iron man DK - 680 - a vehicle driving da
Keywords:Iron man DK - 680 - a vehicle driving da
Shelf time:2019-06-20
Product description: There are many effects of red radish. First of all, red radish is rich in dietary plant fiber, which can increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote metabolism, and defecate and prevent cancer. Secondly, radish contains a lot of carotene. After digestion and absorption, it can be converted into vitamin A through enzyme function in liver and small intestine mucosa. Vitamin A has the function of nourishing liver and eyesight, and can treat night blindness. Radish can reduce blood sugar, reduce blood lipid, promote the synthesis of adrenaline. It has the effect of reducing blood pressure and strengthening heart. It is more effective for patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease. In addition, eating carrots often can enhance the resistance, and the lignin in carrots can also improve the immunity and indirectly eliminate cancer cells.


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